• 山东省威海市经区崮山镇所前庄工业园241-10号
  • PM 8:00-AM 17:00
  • 24H客服热线 13686312793/18678120778




李晓东、机械班组负责人,从事修船行业14年,曾服务于大连造船厂、西霞口船厂、三进造船厂、黄海造船厂。擅长甲板机械维修、船舶管系改造和轴舵浆施工,对压载水系统施工特别熟悉,多次带领管系班组承接压载水整体改造,得到船东好评!Li Xiaodong, mechanical team leader, engaged in ship repair industry for 14 years, has served in Dalian shipyard, Xixiakou Shipyard, Sanjin Shipyard, huanghai shipyard. Good at deck machinery maintenance, ship piping system reform and shaft rudder construction, especially familiar with the construction of ballast water system, many times to lead the piping team to undertake the overall transformation of ballast water, get the ship owners praise!