• 山东省威海市经区崮山镇所前庄工业园241-10号
  • PM 8:00-AM 17:00
  • 24H客服热线 13686312793/18678120778




梁晓庆、公司驻厂代表,轮机船员出身,10年海龄,从事修船行业6年,曾服务于东海船厂、三进船业等,熟悉主辅机、泵阀设备等方面的修理,尤其熟悉两冲程大功率柴油机拆装修理。Liang Xiaoqing, the company's representative in the factory, marine crew, 10 years of age, engaged in ship repair industry for 6 years, has served in the east China Sea Shipyard, three into the ship industry, etc. , familiar with the main auxiliary machinery, pump valve equipment repair, etc. , especially familiar with disassembly and repair of two-stroke high-power diesel engine.