• 山东省威海市经区崮山镇所前庄工业园241-10号
  • PM 8:00-AM 17:00
  • 24H客服热线 13686312793/18678120778




张庆贵、资深焊工钳工,从事修船行业16年,曾自营汽修厂多年,之后在西霞口船厂、东海船厂、三进船业及威海地区多个船厂工作十六年,擅长电气焊、甲板机械、轴舵桨方面的修理,尤其在克令吊、锅炉、液压设备等方面有较深的造诣。Zhang Qinggui, a senior welder and fitter, has been engaged in ship repair industry for 16 years. He has operated his own auto repair shop for many years. After that, he has worked in Xixiakou Shipyard, Donghai Shipyard, Sanjin shipyard and many shipyards in Weihai for 16 years, good at electric welding, deck machinery, Shaft Rudder and oar repair, especially in crane, boiler, hydraulic equipment and other aspects have deep attainments.