• 山东省威海市经区崮山镇所前庄工业园241-10号
  • PM 8:00-AM 17:00
  • 24H客服热线 13686312793/18678120778




梁德景、资深钳工,当兵入伍在陆军船运修理厂服役多年,退伍后从事汽车和船舶修理15年,擅长主辅机、泵阀设备修理,尤其对小型柴油机和齿轮箱修理有着深入研究。Liang Dejing, a senior fitter, served in the army ship repair workshop for many years as a soldier. After his discharge from the army, he was engaged in automobile and ship repair for 15 years, specializing in the repair of main and auxiliary machinery, pump and valve equipment, especially for small diesel engine and gearbox repair has in-depth study.